VISA e Samsung se unem para levar o sistema NFC às olimpíadas de 2012
Do ponto de vista tecnológico (e estrutural), uma das melhores coisas em sediar uma olimpíada é a tendência desta em levar os últimos avanços do campo da tecnologia ao país sede. Equipamentos de ponta, dispositivos de comunicação e transmissão de dados recem lançados, novas estruturas (físicas) de rede, entre outras coisas. Primeiro as estações de metrô subterrâneas de Londres começaram a receber WiFi hotspots (que serão implantados em todas elas), agora as gigantes VISA e Samsung, patrocinadoras oficiais das olimpíadas, anunciaram uma parceria para levar o sistema NFC (Near Field Comunications) de pagamentos às Olimpíadas de 2012.
Para quem não conhece, o sistema NFC é um novo sistema de comunicação entre dispositivos, compatíveis com a tecnologia, que estejam encostados ou a poucos centímetros um do outro (0 a 15 cm). Primeiro acontece a identificação dos dispositivos envolvidos na comunicação, depois a transferência de dados. P: Por que não utilizar o bluetooth? R: Porque o NFC é muito mais seguro e mais rápido. Como os dispositivos precisam estar a poucos centímetros um do outro, além de o usuário ter o controle da situação e poder interromper uma transação apenas distanciando seu dispositivo do outro com o qual ele esteja se comunicando, não há como outra pessoa capturar os dados durante a transmissão (é extremamente difícil de conseguir capturar algo). O principal uso que se tem dado à essa tecnologia é a realização de compras e pagamentos utilizando dispositivos ao invés de cartões de crédito, e é justamente aí que a Samsung e a VISA entram.
Segundo o site Engadget, mais de 60.000 locais em Londres já estão equipados com "contactless payment systems" (sistemas de pagamento com menos contato) e que a VISA está negociando a provação de seu sistema com os bancos da região. Além disso, o sistema NFC é bem mais seguro que o sistema convencional de pagamentos onde se utiliza cartões de crédito. A Samsung também planeja lançar um dispositivo exclusivo para os jogos olímpicos de 2012 com um cartão SIM VISA-Enabled, e estará disponível para os patrocinadores de atletas e também em diversas lojas conveniadas.
Abaixo segue a nota de imprensa na íntegra, a qual não traduzi por ser muito extensa:
Samsung & Visa, Two Worldwide Olympic Sponsors, Join Forces to Enable Mobile Payments
Pioneering alliance to bring mobile payments to the UK and around the world in the run up to and during London 2012
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Samsung and Visa today announced plans to bring the latest innovation in payment technology to the market as part of their sponsorships of London 2012, enabling consumers to make mobile payments using the Samsung Olympic and Paralympic Games mobile handset. Before and during the Games, the innovation will transform the payment experience in London and globally, enabling faster, more convenient payments via mobile phone.
"Innovation is a key business driver for Visa and mobile payments are one of the main areas we're focusing on. The Olympic and Paralympic Games enables us to accelerate our business goals and this partnership plays a large role in achieving them"
Samsung and Visa's new strategic alliance is designed to leave a lasting legacy in the market post-2012.
Samsung Electronics, the Worldwide Olympic Partner for Wireless Communications Equipment, and Visa, the Worldwide Olympic Partner and exclusive Payment Services sponsor are combining their sponsorship assets and leadership in technology to ensure that the Olympic and Paralympic Games mobile handset available to the general public will be equipped with technology that enables mobile payments, Near Field Communications (NFC) and Visa's contactless payment technology. To make payments, customers simply select the Visa mobile contactless application, select pay and hold the phone in front of a contactless reader at the point of purchase.
Visa is working with banks and retailers worldwide to roll-out acceptance for Visa contactless cards, as well as mobile phones, as part of an industry wide roll-out of contactless technology. In London there are already more than 60,000 locations where contactless payments are accepted and contactless and electronic card payments will be available in the run-up to and during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With the momentum to commercialise mobile payments globally, consumers will be able to make mobile contactless payments in the run up to and during the Games in many countries around the world.
Samsung and Visa will work together to provide the contactless enabled Olympics handset to Visa and Samsung sponsored athletes as part of this initiative. Samsung and Visa also plan to make the handset available for consumers to purchase through mobile network operators and other distributors. A Visa-enabled SIM card will be required for use with the device in order to make purchases at retailers who have the contactless payment system.
"Visa, like Samsung, shares the vision of leveraging our Olympic and Paralympic Games sponsorship to leave a lasting legacy in the market for banks, retailers, mobile operators and consumers. We are not only breaking new ground for Olympic partnerships, we are committed to enabling consumers to connect with mobile and contactless payments technology for 2012 and beyond," said Peter Ayliffe, CEO of Visa Europe. "We look forward to working with financial institutions and mobile operators alongside Samsung to make this initiative a success."
"Innovation is a key business driver for Visa and mobile payments are one of the main areas we're focusing on. The Olympic and Paralympic Games enables us to accelerate our business goals and this partnership plays a large role in achieving them," said Mariano Dima, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Payment Solutions at Visa Europe.
Samsung and Visa are committed to enabling consumers to create meaningful connections with the Olympic and Paralympic Games and enjoy a better, smarter life through the leading mobile payment technology. Samsung has demonstrated its leadership in NFC-enabled phone technology, since it launched one of the first commercial NFC phones in France in 2010. It then unveiled the industry's first Android phone equipped with NFC capabilities last year, followed by the NFC-enabled bada smartphone, introduced at the Mobile World Congress 2011.
"As a pioneer in mobile technology, Samsung is striving for long term change in the way we use mobile payments. In London next year, we regard the greatest show on earth as the perfect opportunity to showcase how this technology can make a positive difference to people's lives – enabling them to feel closer to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This mobile payment device will be available in the UK initially, and we plan to expand the service to other countries in Europe and around the world where contactless payment facilities are available in the near future," said Seokpil Kim, President & CEO of Samsung Electronics Europe.
Gyehyun Kwon, Vice President & Head of Worldwide Sports Marketing, Samsung Electronics added, "This marks the very first partnership between two Worldwide Olympic Partners of the London 2012 Games. We are delighted to be joining forces with Visa to make the Olympic Games more accessible and convenient for everyone. This fits extremely well with our ambition to enable more people to participate in the Games through our smart technology."
Visa and Samsung will work with mobile network operators, financial institutions and retailers around the world to bring the convenience, security and reliability of Visa's contactless technology to mobile users worldwide. Currently, Visa mobile payments are being rolled out in countries across the globe including Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and the United States.
[Fonte: Engadget]